facts about Nutritional Requirements of Pandas panda nutrition facts

10 Interesting Panda Nutrition Facts That you must know

10 Interesting Panda Nutrition Facts

Pandas are undoubtedly one of the cutest animals on the planet. These gentle giants are well known for their distinctive black and white fur, but they also have a unique diet that plays a vital role in their survival. In this article, we will explore ten fascinating panda nutrition facts that will surprise you.

Panda Diet

The giant panda’s diet primarily consists of bamboo, which comprises around 99% of their diet. They can consume up to 40 pounds of bamboo per day, which can take up to 16 hours of eating to achieve.

panda nutrition fact

Ah, the beloved giant panda and their bamboo-based diet! It’s no secret that these fuzzy creatures are completely enamored with the stuff. But have you ever stopped to wonder just how they manage to eat so much of it?
Believe it or not, pandas have an impressive set of teeth and jaws that are perfectly adapted for their bamboo-munching lifestyle. In fact, they have a special thumb-like extension on their wrist that helps them grasp and hold onto the bamboo stalks while they strip off the leaves and eat the tender shoots. But despite their impressive bamboo-eating abilities, pandas actually have a somewhat limited diet. This means that they have to eat a lot of bamboo in order to get all of the nutrients they need to survive. And when I say a lot, I mean a LOT – up to 40 pounds per 
day! That may sound like an insane amount of food, but when you consider that bamboo is mostly made up of tough fibers that are difficult to digest, it starts to make sense. In fact, pandas can spend up to 16 hours a day eating in order to get enough sustenance to keep them going. But despite the challenges of their diet, giant pandas seem perfectly content to spend most of their waking hours chomping away on their beloved bamboo. And who can blame them? After all, it’s what they were born to do!

Panda Digestive System 

Despite pandas’ apparent preference for bamboo, they have a carnivorous digestive system that struggles to break down plant matter. Therefore, they have an extended digestive tract to extract more nutrients from the bamboo they consume.

  1. Pandas have a digestive system that evolved for processing meat, even though they are herbivores that eat nothing but bamboo.
  2. Their digestive system is similar to that of a carnivore, with a simple stomach and a short small intestine, unlike cows that have a four-chambered stomach to digest plants efficiently.
  3. A pure bamboo diet is low in protein and high in indigestible fiber, making it difficult for pandas to meet their nutritional needs.
  4. Researchers have studied the panda diet in depth by measuring the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous, and calcium in the plants they ate.
  5. Pandas try to forage as effectively as possible to meet their nutritional needs, mixing dietary items to provide a full complement of nutrients.
  6. Pandas eat different parts of the same food when only one edible plant is available.
  7. Pandas feed on young wood bamboo shoots during mating season, which are rich in nitrogen and phosphorous.
  8. During June, pandas migrate to higher elevations and start eating young arrow bamboo shoots, which are low in calcium.
  9. In mid-July, pandas switch to young arrow bamboo leaves, which are rich in calcium, to fulfill their nutritional needs.
  10. Pandas may scavenge for other sources of nutrients, and they may get calcium and other nutrients from licking rocks.

panda digestive system

This digestive system is designed to break down proteins and fats, but not cellulose, which is the primary component of bamboo. To compensate for this, pandas have developed an enlarged cecum, which is a part of their digestive system that ferments cellulose and extracts nutrients. Additionally, pandas have a special adaptation in their teeth to help them break down bamboo, including strong jaw muscles and broad, flat molars. This unique combination of adaptations allows pandas to survive on a diet that would be impossible for most other bears.

10 facts about Nutritional Requirements of Pandas

Although pandas can survive on a diet of bamboo, they require a varied diet to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. In addition to bamboo, pandas also consume fruits, vegetables, and occasionally small mammals like rodents or birds.

  1. Pandas are bamboo specialists, with more than 99% of their diet consisting of bamboo.
  2. They consume a large amount of bamboo, up to 12-15 kg (26-33 lbs) of roots, shoots, and leaves per day.
  3. Pandas favor bamboo shoots, which are highly nutritious and low in fiber, followed by young leaves which are less fibrous.
  4. Access to quality bamboo, particularly during the late winter and early spring, may be a limiting factor for wild populations.
  5. Pandas consume 25 species of bamboo, but only a few are widespread in the high altitudes they inhabit.
  6. They require at least two species of bamboo to avoid starvation as all plants of a single bamboo species flower, die, and regenerate at the same time.
  7. Leaves contain the highest levels of protein, and pandas change their foraging behavior to take advantage of key nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and nitrogen.
  8. In addition to bamboo, pandas occasionally eat other plant species, eggs, small or infant animals, carrion, and forage in farmlands.
  9. Pandas feed for around 14 hours per day, assuming a sitting position with their forelegs free and using an accessory lobe “thumb” on each forepaw to control the position of the bamboo stalk.
  10. Pandas typically drink at least once per day, taking water from standing pools, but have a water imbalance throughout the year that is partially offset by eating wet bamboo in the rainy season.

facts about Nutritional Requirements of Pandas


In the wild, pandas have been observed consuming over 20 different types of bamboo, along with other plants like fruits and vegetables. However, in captivity, they are often fed a more limited diet, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies. To meet their nutritional requirements, pandas require a diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as protein sources like soy, eggs, and meat. In addition, pandas have a high calcium requirement due to the large amounts of bamboo they consume, so it’s essential to ensure they receive enough calcium in their diet. Providing a varied and balanced diet is crucial in ensuring the health and wellbeing of pandas, both in the wild and in captivity.

Nutritional Value of Bamboo 

Bamboo is a low-calorie food source, and pandas need to consume a large quantity to maintain their energy levels. Bamboo is low in protein and fat, but it contains a high level of fiber, which makes up around 80% of their diet.

panda loves bamboo


Despite being low in protein and fat, bamboo is a highly nutritious food source for pandas. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. In fact, bamboo shoots contain more calcium than milk, making it an essential source of this mineral for pandas.
The high fiber content of bamboo is also beneficial for pandas. The fiber helps to maintain healthy gut bacteria, which aids in digestion and helps to prevent digestive disorders. The fiber in bamboo also helps to regulate blood sugar levels and can prevent the development of diabetes. Bamboo is also a low-calorie food source, which is important for pandas who need to consume a large quantity of food to maintain their energy levels. Despite its low caloric value, bamboo is still an excellent source of energy for pandas, as it contains a high level of carbohydrates. However, pandas cannot survive on bamboo alone and require a varied diet to maintain their health and wellbeing. While bamboo is the primary food source for pandas, they also consume a variety of other plants, fruits, and small mammals in the wild. In captivity, it is essential to provide them with a diet that meets their nutritional requirements, which includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and protein sources like soy, eggs, and meat.


Fruits and Vegetables For Pandas

Pandas also consume fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, and sweet potatoes. These foods provide essential vitamins and minerals that bamboo does not.

panda eating carrot

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a panda’s diet, as they provide essential vitamins and minerals that are not present in bamboo. For example, apples are a good source of vitamin C, while sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A. Carrots are also a good source of vitamins A and K, as well as potassium and fiber.
In the wild, pandas will consume a variety of fruits and vegetables as they become available throughout the year. In captivity, pandas are often fed a diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure they receive a balanced and nutritious diet. It’s important to note that while pandas do consume fruits and vegetables, these foods should not make up the majority of their diet. Bamboo is still the primary food source for pandas, and a balanced diet should include a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, and protein sources like soy, eggs, and meat.


Protein Sources for Pandas

Despite pandas being known as herbivores, they also require protein in their diet. In the wild, they occasionally hunt small mammals and birds to supplement their diet. In captivity, they are also given eggs, fish, and other sources of protein.

While pandas do occasionally consume small mammals and birds in the wild, these make up a very small portion of their diet. Instead, their primary source of protein in the wild comes from bamboo shoots, which contain higher levels of protein than bamboo leaves.
In captivity, pandas are given a specially formulated diet that includes sources of protein such as eggs, fish, and soybean cake. These protein sources are carefully chosen to meet the nutritional needs of pandas and ensure that they receive all the essential amino acids they require.It’s important to note that pandas are still primarily herbivores, and their diet should consist mainly of bamboo. While they do require protein in their diet, overfeeding them with animal-based protein sources can lead to health problems.

Nutrient Absorption Pandas

Due to their unique digestive system, pandas can only absorb a limited number of nutrients from their diet. As a result, they need to consume a large quantity of food to meet their daily nutritional requirements.

Pandas have a digestive system that is similar to carnivores, but they primarily consume a diet of bamboo, which is low in nutrients. As a result, they need to eat large quantities of bamboo to meet their energy needs. Pandas have a specialized digestive system that allows them to break down the tough bamboo fibers, but they can only absorb a limited amount of nutrients from it. To compensate for this, pandas spend up to 14 hours a day eating and consume as much as 40 pounds of bamboo in a single day. Despite their dietary limitations, pandas have managed to thrive and adapt to their unique diet over thousands of years.


Water Requirements for Pandas

Pandas have a low thirst drive, and they obtain most of their water requirements from the bamboo they consume. They also obtain additional water from other sources such as streams or lakes.

Although pandas primarily obtain water from bamboo, they still require access to a consistent supply of fresh water to maintain their health. In the wild, pandas will often seek out water sources such as streams or pools to drink from. In captivity, pandas are provided with fresh water and may also be given access to pools or other water features for enrichment purposes. Pandas have also been known to use their paws to scoop up water and bring it to their mouths, which is a behavior that is both adorable and functional. Overall, ensuring that pandas have access to clean and fresh water is essential for their well-being.

Nutritional Deficiencies of Pandas

Pandas in captivity can develop nutritional deficiencies due to an inadequate diet. In some cases, they require supplements to meet their nutritional requirements.

In the wild, pandas have a diverse diet that includes bamboo, fruits, and occasionally small animals. However, in captivity, pandas may be fed a diet that is primarily made up of bamboo or bamboo-based biscuits. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies, particularly in vitamins and minerals that are not present in high amounts in bamboo. To ensure that pandas in captivity receive a balanced diet, nutritionists and veterinarians carefully monitor their food intake and may provide supplements if necessary. For example, pandas may receive calcium supplements to support bone health or vitamin C supplements to prevent scurvy. Providing a balanced and varied diet is crucial for the long-term health and well-being of captive pandas.

Nutritional Importance for Breeding

Nutrition plays a critical role in panda breeding. Female pandas require a specific diet to maintain their reproductive health and produce healthy offspring.

Female pandas require a specialized diet that includes high-quality bamboo, fresh fruits, and vegetables to support their reproductive health. Nutritional deficiencies can impact the hormonal balance and fertility of female pandas, making it more difficult for them to conceive and carry offspring to term. In addition to a balanced diet, female pandas may also require additional nutritional supplements, such as folic acid, to support fetal development. Male pandas also require a balanced diet to maintain their overall health and reproductive function. Ensuring that pandas receive proper nutrition is critical for successful breeding and the long-term viability of the species. Nutritional management is a key aspect of the breeding program for captive pandas, and nutritionists and veterinarians work closely with breeding facilities to optimize the diets of individual pandas.


In conclusion, pandas have a unique diet that primarily consists of bamboo, but they also require a varied diet to maintain their nutritional needs. Despite being herbivores, they need protein in their diet and have a unique digestive system that can only absorb limited nutrients. Nutrition plays a critical role in their survival, especially in breeding.


  1. Do pandas only eat bamboo?

No, pandas also consume fruits, vegetables, and occasionally small mammals like rodents or birds.

  1. Can pandas survive on a diet of bamboo alone?

Pandas can survive on a diet of bamboo alone, but they require a varied diet to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

  1. Why do pandas require a lot of bamboo?

Bamboo is low in calories, protein, and fat, but it contains a high level of fiber, which makes up around 80% of their diet.

  1. Can pandas develop nutritional deficiencies?

Yes, pandas in captivity can develop nutritional deficiencies due to an inadequate diet. In some cases, they require supplements to meet their nutritional requirements.

  1. How do pandas obtain water?

Pandas have a low thirst drive and obtain most of their water requirements from the bamboo they consume. They also obtain additional water from other sources such as streams or lakes.

Overall, understanding the nutritional needs of pandas is essential to their survival, especially in captivity. Providing a varied and balanced diet that meets their nutritional requirements is crucial in ensuring their health and wellbeing. By incorporating fruits, vegetables, and protein sources, along with their staple bamboo, we can help these adorable animals thrive.