21 Did You Know Facts About Health That Will Surprise You

21 Did You Know Facts About Health That Will Surprise You

21 Fascinating Facts About the Human Body

Welcome to FactBlaze.com! Today, we’re diving into the intriguing world of the human body. From the uniqueness of our fingerprints to the incredible power of the human heart, we’ve got a list of 21 amazing facts that are sure to surprise and educate. So, let’s get started!

Fact Number 21: White Spots on Nails

Friends, you must have seen such white spots on the nails of people, and then you thought, Why does this happen to the nails of only a few people? Actually, white spots present on nails are the cause of a deficiency of iron, calcium, and minerals in your body. The connection between our body and mind is so strong that any problem that occurs anywhere in our body, any disease, or any lack of nutrients, occurs. Its symptoms become visible to us very quickly, so we can cure it immediately.

Fact Number 20: Left-Handed Lifespan

According to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health in 1989, people who are left-handed, that is, those who do all their work with the left hand, live approximately nine months less than those who are right-handed. This happens because most of the things in this world are made by right-handed people. Because of this, left-handed people have more problems living, and left-handed people have more chances of any kind of accident, which can even lead to their death.

Fact Number 19: Brain’s Resilience During Surgery

You must know that our brain controls our entire body, and do you know that during this surgery, our brain can be cut in half and kept separate, and it will not have any effect on our brain? Our brain continues to grow until the age of forty.

Fact Number 18: Sweat Glands

According to the international hyper-hydroxychloroquine society, humans have five lakh sweat glands in their bodies, but we do not feel them, and most of the glands are under our feet, in our hands, and on our forehead. Sweat glands are those from where sweat comes out of the body, and about one lakh twenty-five thousand sweat glands are present in one of our feet. The interesting thing is that most of the sweat glands in the feet of females are closed. This is the reason why Tamil memory is one of the advantages of females compared to males.

Fact Number 17: Taste Receptors

You detect taste through the receptors present in your tongue. If there is no tongue, then it is impossible to detect taste. If, looking at your tongue, you feel that every part of it is made to sense a different kind of taste, then you would be wrong to think so. According to recent researchers, every part of the tongue has the ability to sense all types of tastes, like sour, sweet, and pungent, and let us tell you that the size of the tongue of males is 3.3 inches and the size of the tongue of females is 3.1 inches.

Fact Number 16: Lips Sensitivity

Our lips are the most sensitive part of the entire body. There is a muscle called the masseter behind the lips that helps us chew food. And this muscle is so strong that, with its help, we can lift weights up to ninety kilos.

Fact Number 15: Hair Loss in Cancer Patients

Friends, have you ever thought that people who are cancer patients get their hair cut? Well, they do not do it themselves. Chemotherapy is used to treat cancer. Due to its side effects, a person’s hair starts falling. By the way, the hair of a healthy human being grows up to 0.03 centimeters every day, and all the air follicles of the human body from which hair grows are created in the mother’s womb.

Fact Number 14: Brain’s Oxygen Consumption

Friends, you know that our brain is only two percent of our body’s stomach, but still, it consumes 30 percent of oxygen alone. Because our brain controls our entire body, it needs a lot of energy. It is needed, and this is the reason why it also uses more oxygen.

Fact Number 13: Lifetime Food Consumption

Man has become an animal; it is very important for him to eat food to stay alive, but have you ever wondered how much food we eat in our lifetime? Well, scientists did research on this matter, which proved that an average healthy person eats about thirty thousand kilograms of food by the age of seventy years.

Fact Number 12: Mosquitoes and Blood Loss

Do you know that to die from mosquitoes, a person will have to get himself bitten by two million mosquitoes? Now, why would anyone do this? But the fact is that one mosquito absorbs up to 0.01 ml of blood from your body, so it would take two million mosquitoes to die from blood loss.

Fact Number 11: Brain Composition and Water

Do you know that 73 percent of the human brain is made up of water? And water is very important for the human body. When the lack of water in your body is equal to one percent of your body weight, then you start feeling thirsty. That is, if your weight is fifty kilos, then if there is less than five liters of water in your body, then you will start feeling very thirsty, and if it goes up to several ten percent, then you can even die due to a lack of water.

Fact Number 10: Uniqueness of Fingerprints and Tongues

Your fingerprint is the most unique thing about you. No other person in this world has lines like fingers. If you had a twin, his fingerprints would also be different. But do you know that, like your fingers, your tongue is also very unique? If you print your language, then it will not match with anyone in this world. Now let’s see when that day comes when we will all be unlocking our phones with our tongues.

Fact Number 9: Lungs and Buoyancy

If we take our lungs out of the body and put them in water, then they can float on water. This happens because no matter how much we breathe in or out, there is always one liter of oxygen stored in our lungs, which is also called residual lung volume, and due to this, the lungs are able to float on water.

Fact Number 8: Sense of Smell During Sleep

Friends, if you are sleeping deeply and a dirty, smelly thing is placed near your nose or a very nice fragrance is introduced to you, will you wake up? Well, in a study conducted at New Brown University, when an attempt was made to wake up sleeping people by shaking them, making noise, and shining a light on their eyes, everyone flew away. But when something was placed near their nose and they were made to smell it, none of them woke up.

Fact Number 7: Bacterial Transfer During Kissing

When two people kiss each other for ten seconds, more than eight times the amount of bacteria gets transferred from their mouths. Now the interesting thing is that there is no need to worry about this because the truth is that these bacteria that get transferred from one person to another while making the crust are all good bacteria. They do not harm our body but only benefit it.

Fact Number 6: Blood in Newborns and Growth of Nose and Ears

When a child is born, there is blood equal to one pennant in his body, and the child does not shed tears while crying, but this is because their tear drugs are still developing and friends, do you know? The nose and ears of humans kept growing from childhood until death. For this reason, a person’s face appears to change with age.

Fact Number 5: Wrinkles in Water

You might have noticed that when you stay in water for a long time, strange wrinkles form on your hands and feet, but have you ever thought? After all, do they have any benefits or disadvantages? A scientist at a UK university did research on this matter and said that these folds are actually very useful. When our hands and feet are wet, these folds help us hold things. If these folds do not form, then we will not be able to hold anything with our hands.

Fact Number 4: Walking Distance in a Lifetime

Friends, a person walks for one lakh sixty thousand kilometers in his life; in this time, that person can go around the entire earth four times, and walking is very good for our health. According to Cancer Research UK, by walking just thirty minutes every day, less fat accumulates in your body and you remain more fit.

Fact Number 3: Goosebumps

Friends, have you ever wondered why we get goosebumps in so many situations? That is, we get goose bumps when we are watching a scary movie, there is a lot of noise at a party, or we are traveling at a very high speed. In all such situations, a hormone called adrenaline starts getting released in your body. When you have any kind of stress or nervousness increase, then it is released, and when this hormone is suddenly released in large amounts, then you get goose bumps on the wrong day.

Fact Number 2: Color Perception and Blinking Rate

Females are able to see more colors than most males, whereas males are able to see only a few colors, and males also have difficulty identifying different shades of the same color. The chances of becoming color blind are also higher in males. That is why an average woman blinks eighteen to twenty times a minute, whereas a male does so only eleven to twelve times.

Fact Number 1: Power of the Human Heart

The human heart is a very powerful organ that works from birth until death. The heart of females does not stop even for a second, as compared to males; it beats faster. The human heart pumps up to nine thousand liters of blood a day, and the heart creates so much pressure that, if it wants, it can throw our blood up to a height of thirty feet.

So, friends, these were some amazing facts related to the human body. If you liked this post and want to see more such amazing content, then please subscribe to our newsletter so that notifications of our future posts come to you first. So till then, keep learning and keep growing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Are the white spots on nails always a sign of nutrient deficiency?

A1: While white spots on nails can indicate a deficiency of iron, calcium, or minerals, they can also be caused by minor injuries to the nail. It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis.

Q2: Can the human brain really be cut in half without affecting its function?

A2: The human brain is incredibly resilient. In some rare medical procedures, such as a hemispherectomy, parts of or an entire hemisphere of the brain can be removed to treat severe neurological conditions without completely impairing the brain’s function. However, such surgeries are complex and have significant implications.

Q3: Is it true that humans can’t smell while sleeping?

A3: According to the study mentioned, people didn’t wake up when exposed to smells during sleep. However, this doesn’t mean that our sense of smell completely shuts off. It’s more about the brain’s response to stimuli during different sleep stages.

Q4: Are all bacteria transferred during kissing beneficial?

A4: While many bacteria transferred during kissing are harmless or even beneficial, it’s still possible to transmit harmful bacteria or viruses. Good oral hygiene and overall health are important to minimize any risks.

Q5: Why do our noses and ears continue to grow?

A5: Our noses and ears are made of cartilage, which continues to grow and change throughout our lives. This is why older people often have larger ears and noses.

Q6: Can walking really help in reducing body fat?

A6: Yes, walking is a form of physical activity that can help burn calories and reduce body fat. Combined with a healthy diet, regular walking can contribute to overall fitness.

Q7: Why do women blink more frequently than men?

A7: The notion that women blink twice as much as men is actually a misconception. Studies indicate that there isn’t a substantial difference in blinking frequency between genders or across different ages. Interestingly, one study did find that women taking birth control pills blink 32% more than those not on the medication. This increased blinking rate might be linked to higher levels of estrogen in their systems.

Q8: How accurate is the fact about the human heart pumping blood up to thirty feet?

A8: This fact is more of a theoretical illustration of the heart’s power. In reality, the heart pumps blood through the circulatory system, which is a closed system, and doesn’t propel blood through the air.